ThE ChiLdren of HeavEN

PuRest fOrm of SmiLeπŸ˜πŸ’™

A piano without a player is useless!!! Likewise A movie without story alsoπŸ˜›...In present most of the cinema has a family-related concept, love, breakup, revenge, horror, games, sci-fi,doctor-related concepts....but in ancient cinema is quite that line, The best practical most beautiful screenplay movie is "The Children of Heaven"!!!.The main theme of this movie is "Shoe"

ZaHra & Ali

Every father likes her daughter equal to an angel!!.. This movie has a really Cute angel πŸ’™!!! She lost her favorite shoes because of her brother!!! But she didn't blame her brother!! The way of asking how to go to school without shoes is the initiative idea for WhatsApp!!! That scene really killed my heart !!.Her mother was ill so zhara take care of her family was the cutest part of this movie!!

Cute Angels brotherπŸ˜‡!!! Very very kind-hearted and emotional guy!! Every family has hard times but that situation firstly understands by every elder son or daughter of the family. Most of the parents didn't show their situation to the younger son or daughter because his children was the most precious thing in their life. Ali lost his sister's favorite shoes!! .He blame himself and crying for that.He strongly decided to buy a new shoe for his sister so he participated in race competition like Ethir neechal movie! But the most emotional part is his sister's voiceover in the middle of the race boostened his speed .He wants to get a third place because the third prize was beautiful pair of sneakers to give a present for his sister!! The climax scene was unexpected!!!!...

***EveRyoNe muSt WatCh this movie****


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